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Date and time is TBD


Sold by Kwanda Academy, hosted on Edupro

Children's Posture Development - Educational Webinar

This 90-min webinar is hosted by Marene Jooste, a Kinderkineticist with a Masters Degree and 20 years experience in the medical, educational and private sectors. The guest speaker for this prerecorded webinar is Carolyn Humphries, a NDT Physiotherapist with expert knowledge in pediatric posture.

Children's Posture Development - Educational Webinar
Children's Posture Development - Educational Webinar

Time & Location

Date and time is TBD

Sold by Kwanda Academy, hosted on Edupro

About the event

This prerecorded conversational webinar covers the following topics:

• What exactly is posture?

• What does normal postural development look like from 0 - 6 years of age?

• What is the correct postural development necessary for rolling?

• What is the correct postural development necessary for sitting?

• What is the correct postural development necessary for crawling?

• What is the correct postural development necessary for walking?

• Flat feet - timeline of flat feet as well as signs and symptoms that indicate seeing a professional

• Toe walking - what is normal and when do you need to see a professional?

• Pigeon toes - signs and symptoms 

• High arches - what is normal and when do you need to see a professional?

• Bowed legs and knock-knees - timeline of development 

• Bowed legs and knowk-knees -  signs and symptoms 

• Scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis in young children (different curves of the spine)

• Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis in young children - signs and symptoms to be aware off

• Hip dysplasia (hip dislocation) - what it is and when do you need to take your baby to a professional?

• Torticollis (skew neck in babies) - what it is and what to do about it

Frequently Asked Questions 


Can I buy tickets in bulk if I am a preschool owner?

You are welcome to buy tickets in bulk for the teachers at your preschool to enrich their knowledge!  When buying tickets in bulk, please buy the number of tickets according to the number of student accounts that we need to create for your teachers on Edupro. You can then go ahead and complete all your teachers' details on the registration page for each ticket before checkout. PLEASE ENSURE SPELLING IS CORRECT.

A R100 administration fee may be charged for every student account that needs to be altered if the wrong details were submitted.

Can I get a discount when I buy tickets in bulk?

We love the fact that you want to invest and enrich other people's lives, and for this reason we are happy to provide a discount.  To buy 4 tickets and get 1 ticket for free, use the following coupon code: Buy4Get1Free.  To buy 8 tickets and get 2 tickets for free, use the following coupon code: Buy8Get2Free. The discount will be applied automatically when you check out.


If I am a teacher or parent, why should I choose Kwanda Academy?

Unlike our EduPro platform, where courses are tailored for pediatric professionals seeking CPD (Continual Professional Development) points, Kwanda Academy offers the same high-quality webinars and courses at a significantly reduced rate. This makes it accessible for teachers and parents who are looking to enhance their knowledge and skills for self-enrichment or professional growth without the need for CPD accreditation.

When you purchase a course or webinar on Kwanda Academy, you will be redirected to the EduPro platform within 24 hours to access and work through our educational material. This ensures you receive the same top-tier content provided to professionals.


  • Children's Posture Development

    This prerecorded educational webinar is hosted on EduPro Online and is accredited by the Health Professions Council of South Africa as well as the South African Institute for Kinderkinetics.  ​Now you as a teacher or parent can purchase this webinar on Kwanda Academy at a significantly reduced rate to extend your knowledge on an important aspect of childhood development.  Once you bought webinar tickets in bulk, you will receive an email with login details to access this webinar on EduPro.

    R 100,00


R 0,00

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